Expand your capacity to be comfortable and nourished while walking in the underworld. To love the lovable and unlovable. To dream in the chaos of the stars where nothing is certain, everything feels undone, and you're fueled by endless possibilities.

Only $37 CAD

"Ana-Maria has a rich and enveloping presence when she welcomes me into energy space. I feel so safe and loved which helps me open and face even the hard truths. Her intuition is reliable (razor sharp) and her questions guide me with a deceptively gentle precision."

Grandmother & Mystic

"Ana-Maria is such a powerful and loving coach and guide. She will help you tap into your heart and listen deeply to yourself. She leads you to your own answers, and also offers helpful and loving perspectives that support genuine shifts in your energetic field and reality."

Stephanie Lyra
Spiritual Coach & Reiki Master

"She has led me through multiple energy coaching sessions, all of which have felt incredibly nourishing. I have had several aha-moments when in her energy, and her curious questions inspire me to make connections to other lessons I've been walking with. A session with her feels magical and synchronistic."

Whitney Lynn

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

Work with your energy capacities, harness your gifts, and embrace your shadows. 

Shift your work, your projects, and your self-tending to be aligned with what your body and energy capacity needs are.

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Special Offer
Deepen your Mystic Listening skills with this 3-hour workshop. (Regular $47)

You'll learn to access your Akashic Records, become more familiar with how you sense your intuition and information from other realms, and  learn a shadow work process you can use over and over again.


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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Winter RetreatEnter the sanctuary of your inner winter.$37
What's Included:

Wheel of Life Exercise

5 guided meditations (released over the course of January and February 2024)  

Journaling and/or contemplation prompts

Bonus: Music playlist to delight your inner winter season

Access Details:

After completing the checkout by entering your information, you'll receive an email with all of your product access information and the next steps to enter your inner sanctuary!

Payment Details:

One payment only 

All pricing is in CAD 

Payment will be charged to your credit card or Paypal account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from Stripe or Paypal

  • Total payment
  • 1xWinter Retreat$37

All prices in CAD

  • What type of support is included?
    With this product, you receive free access to the self-guided Winer Retreat. Ideally, you would give yourself the gift of creating a luxurious cozy space and go through the guided meditations and exercises at your own pace. You can also email our support inbox at anytime with questions. You'll also have access to engage and share as much or as little in a dedicated Substack space.
  • What is your refund policy?
    Due to the digital nature of this product and immediate access, all sales are final. You'll receive access to the materials and have my support inbox to help you move through the retreat. If you are unhappy for any reason email me at and we can set up a time to chat where I'll do my upmost to be of service.
  • What software or other tools do I need to buy to be able to use this?
    To access the material, you must create a free account in our course portal ThriveLearn. All the materials are downloadable and you might need a PDF reader along with the native software of your phone, tablet, or desktop to play music (such as YouTube Music, iTunes, etc)